Sunday, 27 December 2009

Warsi on Griffin

I love the time of year between Christmas and New Year. I'm still lazing about, and I'm at my parents house which means there is loads of food, wine and newspapers.

And, I love the review of the year sections which come in all the papers, which we get aplenty. The Observer says it well, and Baroness Warsi's look back on that famed episode of Question Time this year is worth your time.


Snedgus said...

On the subject of objecting to and banning things and stopping things, Oxford University no longer allows students to use Spotify through their campus network.

It is possibly to do with bandwidth and pressure on resources. It will be interesting to see if other universities follow suit.

Some things have to be banned; there have to be rules, if large numbers of people are going to co-exist. The difficult thing is getting the balance........

Snedgus said...

Talking of the BNP, there is an interesting item here on the BNP and Churchill

emmalovesdisorder said...

Banning music streaming?

Sort of sinister...